Growing the Growing Pains podcast: Seeking feedback

As many of you know I have a relatively new podcast produced and hosted by Matt George called Growing Pains with David Campbell.  Over the years I have experimented with various formats – including a weekly video podcast for a few months – to broaden the audience and conversation around economic development in Atlantic Canada.

I would like Growing Pains with David Campbell to become a go-to source for folks in the region that are interested in economic development.  This includes government employees, community leaders, politicians, media – anyone that has an interest in the subject.

I’ve been asking friends and colleagues about their podcast usage and it ranges widely from none at all to several hours per day but when I ask for specifics most of these folks are listening to podcasts unrelated to Atlantic Canada – typically either the big name entertainment or media podcasts or niche ones that cater to their interests.

So my challenge is how to get more people listening to the podcast.  Don’t get me wrong, we get a couple hundred listeners on average to each one but I think the audience should be wider.

We have offered and continue to offer to tackle any related subject (within reason).  If you want to know about the economic impact of festivals or how do develop and implement a supply chain development strategy.  If you want to know more about a specific industry or opportunity.  If I don’t have the data or any insight, we will try to bring someone on who does.

So, I encourage you to share this with your network and let me know what you want to discuss.  If you have a guest you would like to hear from we can reach out to them.

I think one of the challenges is that people like to listen to stuff more applicable to the wider world.  Talking about the apple industry in the Annapolis Valley is not as riveting as systemic racism in the United States.   But if we want to move this region forward – we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us (much of which is being discussed in the NBMC’s Turning Point webinars over the next couple of weeks.

So, let’s audit what’s going on out there in the wider world but let’s dig in to what is going in our own backyard.

You can download recent episodes here: