I love cliches. I don’t really know why but I am always using them and on the look out for new ones. You know: He who laughs last, laughs best; Looking for a needle in a haystack; Put your foot…
Continue ReadingKindergarteners need to stick together
I had another conversation yesterday with a proponent of more cooperation between the Maritimes on economic development. She couldn’t believe that we don’t cooperate more. We share the same regional economy. We share the same fate. Why not cooperate? (hey,…
Continue ReadingVintage Al Hogan
One of the media reports yesterday talked about how the defection of Joan/Wally to the Libs would be good for Moncton. Good for Greater Moncton because there are two more voices around the government table. You know, about the exact…
Continue ReadingAnother example of why the Maritimes economy will not improve without an attitude change
Fascinating stuff. To be understated about it. What I find amazing about newspapers is that they will let every Tom, Dick and Harrietta talk about economic development like they know about it. Here is Karen Blotnicky, lifelong economic development expert…
Continue ReadingJoan and Wally – Liberal marital bliss
News flash. I hear Joan Macalpine and Wally are crossing the floor this morning to be come Liberals. I guess Joan will be visiting my house now for support. I was told in the past that I live in ‘Frenchy…
Continue ReadingThis is not your father’s Liberal Party
The Liberal Party of Canada put out a press release yesterday entitled: Canada is Not for Sale: Protecting Our Economic Sovereignty In which it served up the standard claptrap about the perils of foreign direct investment (apparently the Conservatives are…
Continue ReadingA lesson in New Brunswickian economic development logic
I had a conversation today with another of these economic developers that is known to push the envelope as it were when it comes to this business. Anyway, he told me that the powers that be (so to speak) in…
Continue ReadingAnother good example of bad ED
I have tried to explain what I believe to be the difference between governments investing in growth companies in strategic sectors by helping to support issues such as training, infrastructure building, etc. – investments that support efforts to growth specific…
Continue ReadingBailing out ‘banks’
It figures that Al Hogan would take a belligerent posture towards the so-called bailout of the Caisse in Shippigan. He has a commentary in today called “Why must citizens bail out ‘banks’?”. It’s funny why he never has a commentary…
Continue ReadingIrving thinking
A lot of people, including me, were wondering why the Irving-owned media has been so hostile in its reporting of the Portage Vale residential resort project (except one article yesterday in the TJ). Now, it seems more clear. J.D. Irving,…
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