
I’d love to get the opportunity to get involved in economic development in a place like Haiti.  I’ve read Hernando De Soto’s work and other best practices in third world economic development and I think it is possible to take deliberate steps to improve economic activity in a place like Haiti. 

Economic development is the intersection of business investment and effective public policy.

9 thoughts on “Haiti

  1. The Dominican needs help as well, I felt guilty driving through the poor areas on the way to the resort when I was there last spring. Its a shame that the people have been let down by their governments. We bitch and complain about our own situtation and when things like this happen you realize how good it is here.

  2. Have you ever driven through downtown St. John? While I agree about disasters, Canada has no lack of poverty-we just don’t SEE it often because its resigned to reserves. According to statistics, if you only counted reserves Canada IS a third world nation.

  3. Gangs Armed With Machetes Loot Port-Au-Prince

    Don’t worry david, the regulars are looking after economics, just the way Canada likes for them to. Exploit is a little word.

  4. From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:

    “The earthquake is also a reminder that while natural calamities do not discriminate between rich countries and poor ones, their effects almost invariably do. The 1994 Northridge quake was nearly as powerful as the one that struck Haiti, but its human toll was comparatively slight. The difference is a function of a wealth-generating and law-abiding society that can afford, among other things, the expense of proper building codes. In the long term, the best defense against future natural disasters is to promote the political and economic conditions that can move people out of the slums and shanties that easily become death traps.”

  5. Not withstanding you, If i’m sending anyone in to save a region it won’t be economic planners from NB. That is for sure. That is unless they want to know how to squander opportunities for another five decades. 😉

  6. @mikel

    “According to statistics, if you only counted reserves Canada IS a third world nation.”
    > And if you eliminate equalization transfers, Atlantic really is part of the third world. Let’s thank Ontario (and now Alberta) for not letting us down.

  7. @mikel

    “According to statistics, if you only counted reserves Canada IS a third world nation.”
    > And if you eliminate equalization transfers, the Maritimes really are part of the third world. Let’s thank Ontario (and now Alberta) for not letting us down.

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