Moncton and Fredericton are 6th and 7th on the list of top 10 places to live in Canada – according to Moneysense magazine. No Atlantic Canadian cities make the best places to work. Winnipeg is on both. No Atlantic Canadian cities on the best places to retire list either.
We aren’t on the top five cities with buzz either but you will find Canmore on that list. I am sure Mike from Canmore will agree.
Check your city’s ranking here.
Does anybody take these rankings seriously? For example, Montreal in 100th place for best places to live, below places like Fredericton, Moncton, Edmonton, Sarnia, Whitehorse (!!!???), Wellowknife (!!!???), and Cold Lake (!!!???)? Kelowna in 96th? Cold Lake in 35th?
I noticed Levis, QC was the closet city east on the list foe best places to “work.” I stop there every time I travel from Sackville to Ottawa. I always wondered what it would be like to live there.
I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I HAVE noticed much better press on New Brunswick from various corporate media (Moneysense in owned by Rogers of course) since New Brunswick unveiled its ‘good’ budget. Be nice to corporations, and they will be nice to you. Virtually ANY place in Canada is virtually identical as a place to live-so long as you have some money. If you DON”T have money, and of course Moneysense doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you if you don’t, then New Brunswick is EASILY the worst place to live, sort of like Winnipeg is the worst if you’re native.
The only people that take those rankings seriously are pundits and politicians. To refer to Bill’s earlier mention, I don’t think its the same reason but it’s no surprise that Waterloo was the ‘world’s most intelligent city’ in the same ‘contest’ as Fredericton. By no surprise both have free broadband and the sponsors of the contest is a wireless organization. It does subconsciously feed into people’s thinking, in the way that certain people will say ‘my city is better than yours’ or ‘our hockey team is better than yours’. Neither really means much, although for David’s post its at least a ‘selling point’ that can be put on an ad to sell the province-it’s certainly better than “hey, Sabian makes cymbals for Phil Collins from New Brunswick”. A biotech company is going to be impressed with that?
Levis Quebec? Why yes, lovely! Give it a try.