Animation nation

I had a great lunch this week with a guy who owns a small new media development firm. He confirmed that PEI is aggresively pursuing NB firms to set up on the Island. If we want animation development here we are going to need a similar incentive structure. NS, PEI, NL, QC, ONT and BC all have big incentive programs.

3 thoughts on “Animation nation

  1. The problem with PEI is that they have absolutely no people to work in this industry. It’s like a trade-off. You can go to a place with lower credits and find the people locally and the ones who want to move there, or go to PEI and have the opportunity to get something like 50% credit but no people to produce the work to get this credit. PEI should also give it a rest on poaching NB companies. There should be a gentlemen’s agreement between the 3 maritime provinces. It’s ridiculous that PEI is calling NB companies.

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