On Whitehill

It seemed to me that Whitehill was always based on a fairly terminal business model.  When you are basically  a one-trick software pony the more successful you are the more likely it is that someone will buy you out or build a similar product and take you out (buy or bury).

But I had hoped that when Oracle bought Skywire Software (the firm that bought Whitehill), they would have expanded in New Brunswick.  Now I see they are continuing to decline here.

I’d like to know how many times BNB went to California to make the N.B. pitch to Oracle.  I like to know how many times EGM and the Mayor of Moncton went to California to meet with senior Oracle officials.  I’d like to know how much serious effort has been made to convince Oracle to expand here.  The Premier boasted proudly about his efforts to attract RIM here after they bought Chalk Media in Fredericton.   Why isn’t he boasting about his efforts to attract an Oracle expansion?

The most frustrating thing about BNB is that the public never gets to know what the organization actually does.  Apart from a watered down annual report and the occasional report of a trade show or two (or an access to information request), we never know.  If BNB and the Premier of New Brunswick made a serious – and I mean serious – effort to attract an Oracle expansion here – then I say good riddance.  There are some companies that are biased against smaller places.  But if almost nothing was done – say nothing or some officer in BNB trying to ‘get a meeting’ then shame on us.

And when Minister Byrne sees this story in the TJ announcing Oracle’s continued downsizing it should break his heart.

2 thoughts on “On Whitehill

  1. “the public never gets to know ”

    Finding a way to get more transparency into GNB operations would probably do a great deal to stimulate discussion around ED, as well as other issues. Perhaps we should have a “transparency” march; I imagine that if a couple of the marchers went naked (to demonstrate the value of transparency) even the Irving press might cover the story.

  2. ‘Synergy’ seems to be a concept that looks good in a Powerpoint presentation, but is rarely orchestrated in the manner in which it was imagined.

    The reality here is that ED is a bloody game, and getting those larger companies to invest and expand require much arm twisting…as there are hundreds of other NA communities that are seeking the same. There will always be ‘behind-the-scene’ plays that make or break these deals, but will never be publicly discussed.

    I’d rather judge BNB on a overall scorecard instead of from the particular details. I agree with you on the fact Oracle was at our doors and we (collectively) may have not fully taken advantage of the opportunity and must learn from this.

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