You will recall my recent post about the importance of “centres of excellence”. It seems the Feds agree with me. Just not if you are in New Brunswick.
Date: 2007-10-15
TORONTO, Ontario, October 15, 2007 — The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, today announced $105 million to seven centres of excellence focused on priority areas in research and commercialization for Canada.
“Our government is committed to building on our important science and technology strengths by taking advantage of the excellent research capacity of facilities such as the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute,” said Minister Prentice. “Through this funding, and working with our provincial and private partners, the new Centres of Excellence will help Canada achieve world-class success in the strategic areas of scientific opportunity and competitive advantage.”
“In Budget 2007, we committed to improving the quality of life of Canadians by strengthening our support for science and technology,” said Minister Flaherty. “We live in a highly competitive global economy, and it is imperative that we lead change in areas such as the environment, energy and health care by being more innovative and forward-looking.”
The seven centres of excellence focusing on research and commercialization are as follows:
the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital, affiliated with the University of Toronto
the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia
the Canada School of Energy and the Environment at the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and the University of Lethbridge
the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, affiliated with the University of Toronto and the University of Ottawa
the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University
the National Optics Institute in Québec
the Life Sciences Research Institute in Halifax, affiliated with Dalhousie University
The end result of a new and more strategic government focus on science and technology is a better life for Canadians, our families and our communities, with cleaner and safer streets, better medicines and health care, and improved education that will lead to better jobs and better futures for our children.
Through Budget 2007, Canada’s New Government committed to providing $105 million in 2007–08 to support the operation of these centres.