If you are having a slow day at work or other free time, you may want to check out this site. It give current wage rates by a number of different categories (education, industry, occupation, age, etc.). The frequency of observations is quite low but nevertheless there is some interesting data that should feed into public policy.
For example, a lot of you folks love small business and chastise those evil large corporations that are sucking the life out of local economies (sarcastic emphasis added). I have reported to you in the past that small businesses offer considering less benefits (pensions, health plans, etc.) than large businesses. This chart shows the median salaries by company size. You will note that wages basically increase by the size of company. It is interesting to note that businesses with 20,000 to 50,000 employees (worldwide) have a low median wage in Moncton. That is because in this specific market, that segment is dominated by call centre companies which do offer lower median wages.