Looking for info

I just read that Premier Lord will be the honorary chair for the first ever Learn @ Work Week, a national celebration of workplace learning and performance excellence. The Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD) named Lord as the chair in recognition of “his government’s commitment to workplace learning as a cornerstone of economic development.” The article quotes Premier Lord as saying “Our government has made learning a priority, with our commitment to the Quality Learning Agenda and post-secondary education, and by working closely with organizations like LearnNB.”

Now if you know, please send me an email. Because I have seen the majority of online learning companies that develop workplace learning programs in New Brunswick go broke in the past six years. I have witnessed the head of eLearning strategy for New Brunswick, Rory McGreal, leave the province in disgust because of the lack of interest in online learning by the government. And, I have not seen the province attract one firm that develops workplace or eLearning programs to the province in six years.

So, please enlighten me as to what exactly the Premier’s commitment to workplace learning?

Maybe I have missed something.