You would think that Al Hogan over at the Times & Trashscript must be on the government payroll the way he fills his ‘We Say’ editorial pages with glowing reviews of everything the government does. Today’s We Say is no exception. Al waxes long and hard about the value that the government is getting from Bristol Communications and that, yes, they are politically connected but so what, Mr Hogan says, the Liberals did it too.
No doubt they did.
Al finishes by saying:
New Brunswickers ought to be happy, not critical, that the province’s money is being well-spent on a quality product. And that is the same argument the former Liberal government would have used had anyone objected to which firms it had directed the bulk of its advertising and promotions business.
While Al Hogan is not qualified to determine if Bristol’s work represents a ‘quality product’ he is right when he says that this “is the same argument the former Liberal government would have used had anyone objected to which firms it had directed the bulk of its advertising and promotions business.”
It’s just that it would have been the Liberals saying that, not the editor of the local newspaper.
Just a ‘slight’ difference, Al.
Stop the silly bias and buffoonery and start reporting news again, please.